Interested in Saving Our History?
The Western Power Electricity Historical Society wishes to recruit persons interested in electricity history and/or industrial archaeology. Everyone is welcome, even if you didn’t work in the electricity industry.

How we began – a short history of WPEHS

What Do We Do?

  • Meetings & visits throughout the South West – approx. 7 or 8 per year,which are usually held on a Saturday.
  • Look after the Electricity Archive based at Redland, Bristol, which involves answering history enquiries from the public.
  • Rescuing many electricity archives and records.
  • Maintaining a small Museum of Electricity at Redland, Bristol. We have a wide range of artefacts and equipment from the South West and elsewhere, including everything from engineering equipment to domestic appliances
  • Developing an Education/Visitor Centre at Cairns Road, Redland, Bristol.
  • Issuing a “Histelec” newsletter three times a year
  • Running the WPEHS website at
  • Weekends away every two years – for example have been to Oxford, Swanage, Salford Quays and Cardiff

Would you like to join us?

The Society welcomes new members who are interested in electrical history or industrial archaeology.

Current membership stands at around 130 throughout the S.W. Peninsula and further afield, so there’s a good chance of seeing someone you know.

Come and join us at only £10.00 per annum
click here for the membership form